So where does that leave us, well for me I am grateful that the fern on my mantel doesn't harbor any designs for conquest and listening to Cosmos Factory self titled first lp. I believe I have written in previous posts my affection for Japanese rock. Like most things from Japan that are based on western ideals - they get it so close, but then something goes wonderfully wrong. Where the Germans could have a fair grip on singing in English, far easterners just can't seem to do it. Something wrong happens - tongues that are not equipped to the various Latin based letters and consonants flop warily around, producing something not unlike singing backwards.
Opening with a Mort Garison / Movie of the Week like instrumental called "soundtrack 1984", we then dive head long into heavy Hammond Organ and angelic choir vocals territory of "Maybe". This song, like all the others are sung in Japanese, keeping the otherness intact. Perhaps there are some Bowie like inflections detectable, but the confidence of the band saves this from being a maudlin copycat.
Maudlin or perhaps even turgid the best way to describe the overall tone of the record. From the cover and gatefold depicting decay and abandonment, to the songs where everything is just short of pop Wagner. This is not a light and uplifting album. If everything is going to crap in your life that that moment, you may want to keep the suicide prevention hot line on speed dial. These are the Quaaluded Spiders from Mars. Thankfully there is a slightly less apocalyptic song "Soft Focus", that uses a sort of Asian sounding melody, but it is moody none the less. The second side of the record is comprised of the four part suite "An Old Castle Of Transylvania". It is everything you would expect with a title like that; mysterious organ chords, distorted guitars, spooky Mellotron fills, and more end of the world vocalizing. If Jean Rollin shot his Vampire films in Japan instead of France, Cosmos Factory would have supplied the perfect score.
I have seen this album listed as An Old Castle Of Transylvania, but nowhere is that used beside as the title for the suite. What is listed on the back cover is Merry go round. Was this at one point the working title of the record?
Cosmos Factory would go on to make three other records, that I am yet to hear. Apparently the follow up to the first record was a electronic soundtrack, and then the remaining two are in the vein of heavy metal. I hope that isn't true for the last true, I would hate to think that in a attempt to keep things going that there was a retrograde of intelligence.
Please click on the review title for selected track: Maybe.
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