So the United States has a new President...it is hard to get my mind wrapped around that idea...the nightmare that was not unlike the barely nameable cosmic horrors that came to plague the small Vermont farming community of Appleton has come to an end. Surely you'll recall? For the sake of time those who don't remember the case will get the shorthand version; large sentient invertebrates living in local wells, allowed entry here by Jeb Malford's aligning certain properties just right in the hopes of saving his farm, locals becoming sick, the public disintegration of one Nelly O' Toole (age 7) at the towns school Christmas play, general upheaval leading to their dispelling and concurrently a surge in church membership...to the best of my knowledge they things are still residing in the town wells. You never really get rid of them completely. There they sit, having sacrificed the weak of their sect content in the knowledge that human attention spans are short. It will just be a matter of time before the great work begins again, and they can bring down their masters from the stars.

It is with this insight that I must say this warning. Liberals see Utopias. Utopias that will exist forever once reason is reached. Neo Cons on the other hand see Empire, and understand seasons.

Beside the election, another event far more personal is that of my birthday. Without going into much grousing about how the aging process is disappointing, where did the time go, where are my keys, etc. I bring you one of my favorite songs about growing old and refusing to go along with the idea.
Please click on the blog entry for selected track: Jefferson Airplane - Lather.
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