...and the hits just keep on coming...I was a fan of George Carlin as a young Doctor in my formative years of record collecting. His work, stood up to repeated listening unlike say Cheech and Chong, or even Steve Martin. Where with the aforementioned others it was stoned humor that merely accentuated the state you were in before the record went on, or just a vanity project, Carlin's records were like reading a eye opening Philosophy lesson. Where Hegel or Kant were not known for their humor, and Sartre is the death of any party, he told the truth (granted from a crabby perspective) and was just witty enough to get it under your skin. There it would fester like a alien virus, eating out the lies and crap that lived in the cerebellum. Yes, there were lapses in judgment, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, and a short lived sitcom on Fox in the early 90's come readily to mind, but at no point did he ever soften. I couldn't help but think that what you saw was what you got. Salute...
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